Be coached by a FIFA pro!

Hoe werkt het?

1 on 1 FIFA coaching
Want to improve in playing FIFA? You have come to right place, our experts offer you the latest META tactics/mechanics, skillmoves and will provide you with the best gameplans based on your PERSONAL playstyle. Our coach ‘’LegendFrod’’ gave over 100+ coaching sessions to FIFA players from every different level. He will help you with a personalised analyse report and UNIQUE training sessions based on your level!
More tips on how to record and upload your matchTips on how to record your match.
Find out how to record and download your match for your console. For PS watch below.
- Press the SHARE button twice to start recording, and then press the SHARE button twice to stop recording.
- Press the SHARE button, and then select Save Video Clip.
- Open the PS App and tap the Game Library icon. Download the video to your smartphone.

Gameplay analyze and player report.
This is where the fun begins! Once you have created your Scorelit account, you can upload your FIFA match and send it to your preferred coach. Your match will be fully analyzed and you will receive a full report with feedback explained by clips and a personal video from the coach. Some coaches also offer 1 on 1 online sessions. Check in with us to find out how on info@scorelit.com.
More tips on how to upload your matchMore tips on how to upload your match
Make sure to follow the next few steps in uploading your match
- If you upload your match on a smartphone make sure to have WiFi. This will save your databundle.
- Make sure to fill in all details asked about your match. This will help the Expert giving you the feedback you need.
- Delete your downloaded video after you uploaded it in our system. This will save you storage on your device.

Upload your game and choose your Expert
The Expert of your choice will receive and analyse your game, the Expert will make a complete and thorough report backed up with detailed clips with explanation in it. The Expert will also explain you in a personal video more details of your game and how to improve. The possibility to discuss the match with the coach in a 1 on 1 session is also available if you find the report hard to understand.
More on who to pick as an Expert.Tips on who to pick as your Expert
Make sure to follow next steps by choosing your Expert
- Make sure to pick an Expert who you think can bring you to a higher level.
- You have to be able to learn from the Expert, it doesn't have to be your idol
- Make sure to be open to the feedback, in the end you have to do it together
Wat kost Scorelit?
Scorelit heeft verschillende pakketten, zo zijn er al persoonlijke analyses vanaf 40,- euro. Een persoonlijke analyse wordt enkel gemaakt op basis van een gehele wedstrijd.
* Prijzen kunnen afwijken in de iOS en Android app.
Benieuwd naar jouw niveau?
Krijg een persoonlijke videoanalyse van professionals en leer hoe jij de beste kan worden.
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