How does it work?

Record your match

For the players who think good isn't good enough

More tips to record your match

Upload your match

Become a better player with Scorelit

More tips to upload your match

Choose your Expert

Is good not good enough? Improve your game with Scorelit.

More tips on how to choose your Expert

What does Scorelit cost?

Scorelit has various packages, such as personal analyzes from 40 euros. A personal analysis is only made on the basis of an entire match.

Packages Age Length of time Price at an hourly wage of €100
SKILLS ALL 15 Minutes 25,-
JUNIOR U9 30 Minutes 50,-
TALENT U10 - U15 60 Minutes 100,-
PRO U16 - Senior 90 Minutes 150,-

* Prices may differ in the iOS and Android app.

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