For the motivated player, who wants to improve.

How does it work?

Record your match
Record your full match through the share-menu (playstation). Do you own an X-box and you want to record longer clips, press down the X-box button and select Capture/record. Click the record button and it will start recording.
More tips to record your matchTips to record your match
Make sure to follow next steps while recording
- Record your full match including your tactics
- Upload it as 1 file in the app
- Make sure to record the half time as well and your tactical choises of course as well

Tips to upload your match
Make sure to follow the next steps
- Make sure to connect to WIFI to save your data bundle
- Make sure to answer all questions accordingly for an as much detailed analysis as possible
- Delete the match from your device after uploading it in the app. It will help saving you storage

Tips to find the best Expert for you
Make sure to follow the next steps for choosing your Expert
- Know what your level is, and pick an Expert who can bring your game to the next level
- Make sure to pick an Expert you want to learn from, it doesnt have to be your biggest idol
- Choose an Expert you will have a click with. You will do it together
Curious about your level?
Get a personal video analysis from professionals and learn how to become the best.
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